

Developing leadership skills in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minnesota

Traveling by canoe or sea kayak you’ll feel the wind on your face and hear the water lap against the boat.

You’ll see stars reflecting off crystal-clear water, listen to the call of loons or the howl of a wolf, cook cinnamon rolls over a campfire, and be awed by beautiful scenery. Together with your team, you’ll head out to places only a few can visit.

Boating trips are a great way to see a variety of landscapes, learn new skills, work as a team, and go fishing! There is no better place to relax than next to the campfire after a great day on the water.

On a canoe or kayak trip you pack up all your gear into waterproof bags and head off over the horizon paddling in tandem with 1 or 2 other people in your boat. Along the way you may portage to the next lake by carrying the bags and boats across a short trail. You’ll get to swim in the lakes, rivers, or oceans you paddle on, camp out each night, and watch a sunset (or even sunrise) against the backdrop of clear, calm water.

Why Canoeing or Kayaking?
You will be proud of yourself after a boating trip.

It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it. You’ll develop new friendships, work as a team to overcome challenges, and learn to cook delicious meals over a fire. You will feel confident after a portage, and you will feel courageous by the end of your trip.

A trip on the water allows you to relax and unwind.

Life can be full of stress and challenges. Traveling along the waterways, you will have the chance to unplug, slow down, and enjoy little moments. You will laugh with your group, enjoy delicious pizza after a full day, and feel comfortable being you. There is no better place to reflect than while looking out over a calm water as the sun sets on a great day.

Boating allows you to explore incredible areas.

This land is pristine. The waters are pure, clear, and beautiful. Paddling with your teammates is fun and rewarding. These areas can only be accessed by canoe! You’ll have fun, feel challenged, and develop a sense of wonder and appreciation for this beautiful area.